Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Information Posts


On Thursday 17th October school will finish early for all pupils so that all parents/carers due to Parents Consultation

  • There will be no afternoon Nursery session on this day.
  • Morning Nursery and 30hours children will finish at 11:10am and will need to be collected from the school office.




Weekly Learning

Weekly Learning (WC 14.10.24)

Book of the week:

Images and photographs of ‘AUTUMN’


We will be...

  • talking about the changes in the weather
  • making autumn leaves using collage
  • making faces using autumn finds and discuss textures
  • continuing patterns using autumn finds ( for example:  leaf, conker, leaf, conker)

Weekly Learning (WC 7.10.24)

Book of the week:

Things I Like 

Things i like

We will be...

  • talking about our interests
  • talking about who is in our family and counting them
  • learning to use scissors safely