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Information Letters
Weekly Learning
Weekly Learning (WC 10.3.25)
Book of the week: We're Going on a Bear Hunt
We will be...
- thinking about words that rhyme
- continuing and making repeating patterns
- retelling the story, inside and outside
- practising writing names
Weekly Learning (WC 3.3.25)
Book of the week: Monkey Puzzle
We will be...
- making butterflies using paint
- retelling the story using props
- learning about words that rhyme
- doing a range of activities for World Book Day ( Thursday 6th March)
Weekly Learning (WC 24.2.25)
Book of the week: Walking Through the Jungle
We will be...
- making different animal sounds and moving like animals
- describing different animals and drawing them
- learning a new rhyme called 'We are Walking Through the Jungle'
- subitising to 5 and practise writing numerlas to 5
Weekly Learning (WC 11.2.25)
Book of the week: The Tiger Who Came to Tea
We will be...
- doing scavenger hunts, inside and outside
- looking through Tapestry and talking about what we have been doing, both in Nursery and at home
- thinking about being safe on a tablet for 'Safer Internet Day'
- singing a range of Nursery Rhymes
Weekly Learning (WC 3.2.25)
Next week is Children's Mental Health Week. We will be thinking about what makes us happy, sad and angry. We will be drawing/painting pictures about 'What makes me HAPPY' and sharing them with our friends.
Book of the Week: The children will vote for their favourite traditional tale to listen to at Rainbow Time.
We will be...
- singing a range of Nursery Rhymes
- learning a new action song with percussion instruments
Number Day Friday 7th February 2025
We will be doing a range of maths activities . We will be taking part in Dress up for Digits. Pupils are invited to wear an item of clothing with a number on it if they would like to (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie!). Or get even more creative by dressing in a maths or numbers theme (think Numberblocks or a Times Table Rockstar). Be as creative as you’d like!
Weekly Learning (WC 27.1.25)
Book of the week: The Gingerbread Man
Click on the link below to listen to a version of the story:
We will be...
- using different voices to retell the story using props
- doing a range of 'Gingerbread Man' crafts
- learning about Chinese New Year and talking about different celebrations
Weekly Learning (WC 20.1.25)
Book of the week:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
We will be...
- using different voices to retell the story using props
- playing percussion instruments, listeneing carefully to instructions
- learning facts about different types of bears
- making 'Teddy Bread' ( an email was sent home)
Weekly Learning (WC 13.1.25)
Book of the week:
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
We will be...
- using different voices to retell the story using props
- making 'trolls' using different media ( paint, palydough, collage)
- learning some new rhymes
Weekly Learning (WC 6.1.25)
Book of the week:
The Three Little Pigs.
We will be...
- retelling the story using puppets and encouraging the children to use different voicessinging and performing familiar nursery rhymes in our key groups
- subitising initially to 3 and then 5 ( saying how many objects they can see without counting them one by one)
- using a range of media to make houses for the three pigs
- exploring mixing paint to make the colour pink
Weekly Learning (WC 16.12.24)
Book of the week:
The children will vote for their favourite books this term.
We will be...
- singing and performing familiar nursery rhymes in our key groups
- playing instruments to a range of songs
- doing a range of winter and Christmas crafts
- looking at and feeling presents and predicting what might be inside ( thinking about shape, size and weight)
Weekly Learning (WC 9.12.24)
Book of the week:
One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth
(click on the link below to listen to the story)
We will be...
- matching numeral to quantity, for example, placing 3 decorations on a tree
- singing familiar nursery rhymes
- listening carefully to everyday sounds and suggesting what we think it is ( for example, a set of keys)
- learning a new action song called The Dancing Christmas Tree Song
Weekly Learning (WC 2.12.24)
Book of the week:
One Snowy Night
Click on this link to listen to the story.
We will be...
- matching numeral to quantity, for example, placing 3 buttons on a snowman
- sharing Tapestry photographs with our friends
- playing percussion instruments in different ways to familiar nursery rhymes
Weekly Learning (WC 25.11.24)
Book of the week:
The Magic Sky
We will be...
- using different media to create winter pictures
- building fine motor strength by doing 'dough disco'
- singing a range of familiar nursery rhymes and action songs
Click on the link below to listen to the 'book of the week'.
Weekly Learning (WC 18.11.24)
Book of the week:
Information Text ( powerpoint): Woodland Animals
Please click on the link below.
Music and Movement:
We will be...
- naming and describing woodland animals
- revisiting favourite rhymes
- practising cutting skills to make stick puppets
- sharing our interests on Tapestry
Weekly Learning (WC 11.11.24)
Book of the week:
The Very Helpful Hedgehog
Rhyme of the Week:
The Hedgehog Song
We will be...
- learning the 'coat trick'
- matching numerals to amounts (up to 5)
- doing a range of seasonal crafts
Weekly Learning (WC 4.11.24)
Book of the week:
Rhyme of the week: Five Little Pumpkins
We will be...
- sharing half term news
- learning about Diwali and talking about firework night
- making firework pictures using different media
Weekly Learning (WC 14.10.24)
Book of the week:
Images and photographs of ‘AUTUMN’
We will be...
- talking about the changes in the weather
- making autumn leaves using collage
- making faces using autumn finds and discuss textures
- continuing patterns using autumn finds ( for example: leaf, conker, leaf, conker)
Weekly Learning (WC 7.10.24)
Book of the week:
Things I Like
We will be...
- talking about our interests
- talking about who is in our family and counting them
- learning to use scissors safely
Information Posts
Biscuit Recipe
Please follow the link to view the recipe we used to make our biscuits in nursery today.
Spare Clothing
Please remember to put a change of clothes in your child's bag everyday, including pants, socks, joggers, T-shirt and jumper.
If you have any spare clothes that you no longer need, we would really appreciate it.
Christmas Decorations
We are looking for donations of Christmas decorations. If you have any you no longer need we would be very grateful for them. For example, tinsel, baubles (not glass) and cards.
Farm Visit
We are planning a visit from Manor Farm Experience in June 2025.
In order for this to take place we are asking all parents to make a £10 donation via Arbor parent portal. Please make your donations by Friday 1st December so we can see if this visit can go ahead.